
Equinix, Inc.

Total Prefixes 5
Total IPv4 Addr. 512
Est. Population -
Country United States
Registry ARIN
Last Updated
All prefixes displayed, sorted by visibility. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .
All BGP Prefixes Announced by AS27566
Prefix IP Count Visibility RPKI Organization
2607:f6f0:206::/48 - 82% Unknown
Equinix, Inc.
2620:a6:2000::/48 - 82% Valid
Coin Metrics Inc. 256 80% Unknown
Equinix, Inc. 256 80% Unknown
Equinix, Inc.
2607:f6f0:6000::/40 - 65% Unknown
Equinix, Inc.
Showing high level RPKI validity distribution per IP version and per prefix.


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/24 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /24 Valid: 0.00% Unknown: 100.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /24. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 0.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 100.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 0 2 0 2 100 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv4 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv4 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 0.00% of all IPv4 prefixes are valid. 100.00% of all IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 0 2 0 2 100%


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/40 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /40 Valid: 0.00% Unknown: 100.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /40. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 0.00% of all /40 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 100.00% of all /40 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /40 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 0 1 0 1 33 %
/48 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /48 Valid: 50.00% Unknown: 50.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /48. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 50.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 50.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /48 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 1 1 0 2 67 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv6 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv6 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 33.33% of all IPv6 prefixes are valid. 66.67% of all IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are invalid. 1 2 0 3 100%

ABOUTResource Public Key Infrastructure is a specialized public key infrastructure framework to improve security for the Internet's BGP routing infrastructure. RPKI provides a way to connect Internet number resource information (such as ASN and IP addresses) to a trust anchor. Wikipedia ↗︎

All ASN sorted by their number. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .

Upstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence that leads to a tier 1 ASN.

All Upstreams ASN for AS27566
ASN Organization
AS394749 Equinix, Inc.
AS32550 Equinix, Inc.

Downstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence adding one-hop away from a tier 1 ASN.

All downstreams ASN for AS27566
ASN Organization
AS15830 Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V.
AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC

Peers — Any direct adjacent ASN, can include upstreams, downstreams or tier 1 ASN.

All peers ASN for AS27566
ASN Organization
AS22151 Brean Murray & Co., Inc.
AS64284 CoolSys Commercial & Industrial Solutions, Inc.
AS27434 DG
AS196741 DataArt Technologies UK Ltd
AS15830 Equinix (EMEA) Acquisition Enterprises B.V.
AS394749 Equinix, Inc.
AS14609 Equinix, Inc.
AS32550 Equinix, Inc.
AS63395 Flextrade Systems, Inc.
AS20000 Fulcrum Analytics, Inc
AS28932 GfK GmbH
AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
AS202072 MessageBird B.V.
AS207892 Red Acre Ltd
AS398760 Sandata Technologies, LLC
AS46314 Stonewain Systems, Inc.
AS33430 Vantage Technologies Systems Integration, LLC
All 2 Internet Exchange Points displayed, sorted by name. Sourced from PeeringDB . VIEW PEERINGDB
Internet Exchanges for AS27566
Name Location Addresses Link RS Peer
Equinix New York
Equinix Internet Exchange New York
New York
10 Gbps
Equinix New York
Equinix Internet Exchange New York
New York
10 Gbps

ABOUTInternet Exchange Points (IXes or IXPs) are physical places where infrastructure companies interconnect with each other to exchange data destined for their respective networks. These locations are critical for companies to shorten their connection paths to other network participant, this allows for reduced round-trip time and low latency. Wikipedia ↗︎

Fetched from the ARIN authoritative registry


AS27566 Registrant Contact Details
Handle EQUINIX ↗︎
Type Org
Country United States
Name Equinix, Inc.
Email -
Phone -
Address One Lagoon Drive Redwood City CA 94065 United States

With the same Registrant

Other ASNs registered with the same registrant handle: EQUINIX
ASN Name
AS603 Equinix, Inc.
AS12188 Equinix, Inc.
AS12085 Equinix, Inc.
AS13531 Equinix, Inc.
AS14609 Equinix, Inc.
AS16553 Equinix, Inc.
AS18928 Equinix, Inc.
AS19930 Equinix, Inc.
AS22232 Equinix, Inc.
AS25658 Equinix, Inc.
AS27224 Equinix, Inc.
AS27272 Equinix, Inc.
AS27315 Equinix, Inc.
AS27330 Equinix, Inc.
AS27354 Equinix, Inc.
AS27407 Equinix, Inc.
AS27433 Equinix, Inc.
AS27438 Equinix, Inc.
AS27444 Equinix, Inc.
AS27466 Equinix, Inc.
AS29884 Equinix, Inc.
AS30157 Equinix, Inc.
AS30159 Equinix, Inc.
AS30715 Equinix, Inc.
AS32007 Equinix, Inc.
AS32323 Equinix, Inc.
AS32550 Equinix, Inc.
AS33109 Equinix, Inc.
AS33157 Equinix, Inc.
AS36030 Equinix, Inc.
AS36031 Equinix, Inc.
AS36641 Equinix, Inc.
AS40052 Equinix, Inc.
AS40341 Equinix, Inc.
AS40957 Equinix, Inc.
AS54588 Equinix, Inc.
AS64275 Equinix, Inc.
AS64292 Equinix, Inc.
AS394255 Equinix, Inc.
AS394749 Equinix, Inc.
AS398811 Equinix, Inc.
AS398814 Equinix, Inc.
AS398975 Equinix, Inc.


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