
Misaka Network, Inc.

Total Prefixes 31
Total IPv4 Addr. 4,096
Est. Population 1.13k users
Country United States
Registry RIPE
Last Updated
All prefixes displayed, sorted by visibility. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .
All BGP Prefixes Announced by AS57695
Prefix IP Count Visibility RPKI Organization 256 87% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc. 256 86% Valid
- 256 86% Unknown
- 256 86% Valid
- 256 86% Unknown
- 256 84% Valid
- 256 83% Valid
2a0b:4341:704::/48 - 83% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:1a30::/44 - 82% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4341:1500::/48 - 82% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc. 512 81% Valid
- 512 81% Unknown
- 256 81% Valid
- 256 81% Invalid
- 256 81% Valid
2a0e:6902:4000::/40 - 81% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:1a38::/48 - 81% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc. 512 79% Invalid
2a12:8d05::/32 - 79% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4341:b02::/48 - 79% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0d:5641:2100::/44 - 78% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2407:b9c0:e000::/36 - 77% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0e:6901:500::/40 - 77% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a11:6e01::/32 - 76% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:1a80::/44 - 76% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4341:a14::/48 - 76% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4341:509::/48 - 76% Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:3000::/36 - - Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0e:6902:2000::/36 - - Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:1a33::/48 - - Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
2a0b:4342:1a31::/48 - - Valid
Misaka Network, Inc.
Showing high level RPKI validity distribution per IP version and per prefix.


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/23 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /23 Valid: 33.33% Unknown: 33.33% Invalid: 33.33% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /23. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 33.33% of all /23 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 33.33% of all /23 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 33.33% of all /23 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 1 1 1 3 23 %
/24 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /24 Valid: 70.00% Unknown: 20.00% Invalid: 10.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /24. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 70.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 20.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 10.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 7 2 1 10 77 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv4 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv4 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 61.54% of all IPv4 prefixes are valid. 23.08% of all IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 15.38% of all IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 8 3 2 13 100%


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/36 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /36 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /36. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /36 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /36 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /36 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 3 0 0 3 17 %
/40 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /40 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /40. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /40 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /40 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /40 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 2 0 0 2 11 %
/44 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /44 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /44. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /44 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /44 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /44 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 3 0 0 3 17 %
/48 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /48 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /48. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /48 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 8 0 0 8 44 %
/32 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /32 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /32. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /32 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /32 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /32 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 2 0 0 2 11 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv6 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv6 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are invalid. 18 0 0 18 100%

ABOUTResource Public Key Infrastructure is a specialized public key infrastructure framework to improve security for the Internet's BGP routing infrastructure. RPKI provides a way to connect Internet number resource information (such as ASN and IP addresses) to a trust anchor. Wikipedia ↗︎

All ASN sorted by their number. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .

Upstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence that leads to a tier 1 ASN.

All Upstreams ASN for AS57695
ASN Organization
AS207278 Michael Hayler
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.

Downstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence adding one-hop away from a tier 1 ASN.

All downstreams ASN for AS57695
ASN Organization
AS60068 Datacamp Limited
AS137409 GSL Networks Pty LTD
AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
AS931 Hyonix
AS23961 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS917 Misaka Network, Inc.

Peers — Any direct adjacent ASN, can include upstreams, downstreams or tier 1 ASN.

All peers ASN for AS57695
ASN Organization
AS1040 Academy City Internet LLC
AS208763 Alexander Becker trading as Bitflow Development
AS212085 Alexander Bruegmann
AS206493 Alexander Neustadter
Angola Cables
AS206980 AntiDDoS Solutions LLC
AS136180 Beijing Tiantexin Tech. Co., Ltd.
AS207662 Benjamin Chapman
AS399879 CenterClick LLC
AS212237 Changgong Zhang
AS199972 Chireiden Railway LTD
AS209199 Cloud Unboxed Limited
AS151332 CoinJar Pty Ltd
AS39120 Convergenze S.p.A.
AS54574 DMIT Cloud Services
AS209792 Daan van Gorkum
AS60068 Datacamp Limited
AS35930 Datacenter on demand LLC
AS208393 Dedcloud Network Ltd
AS137409 GSL Networks Pty LTD
AS39975 GoCodeIT Inc
AS60592 Gransy s.r.o.
AS205651 Hao Qiao
AS212995 HockWoo Tan
AS6939 Hurricane Electric LLC
AS931 Hyonix
AS45352 IP ServerOne Solutions Sdn Bhd
AS11164 Internet2
AS51044 Kazuki Yamaguchi
AS213122 Krixe Pte. Ltd.
AS44406 LLC Beliy Most
AS207278 Michael Hayler
AS23961 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS917 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS969 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS47553 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS48386 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS50069 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57578 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS60326 MrSheepNET LTD
AS43357 Owl Limited
AS398987 PhirePhly Design
AS46450 Pilot Fiber, Inc.
AS207419 Richard Marino
AS212008 Ruben Martinez
AS207466 Sebastien Beaufour
AS202402 Shokuhou Service LLC
AS212245 Stephanie WILDE-HOBBS
AS54334 Swiftnode LLC
AS61257 Thunde Network Limited
AS216444 UAB Cherry Servers
AS32097 WholeSale Internet, Inc.
AS209650 Wu Zhiyuan
AS53636 Xerio
AS200256 Yue Cao
AS142641 Yuze Zhang
AS202479 iFog GmbH
AS34927 iFog GmbH
AS34939 nextdns, Inc.
AS61568 -
All 3 Internet Exchange Points displayed, sorted by name. Sourced from PeeringDB . VIEW PEERINGDB
Internet Exchanges for AS57695
Name Location Addresses Link RS Peer
DE-CIX Frankfurt
1 Gbps
DE-CIX Lisbon
0 Gbps
DE-CIX Madrid
1 Gbps

ABOUTInternet Exchange Points (IXes or IXPs) are physical places where infrastructure companies interconnect with each other to exchange data destined for their respective networks. These locations are critical for companies to shorten their connection paths to other network participant, this allows for reduced round-trip time and low latency. Wikipedia ↗︎

Fetched from the RIPE authoritative registry


AS57695 Registrant Contact Details
Handle ORG-MNI3-RIPE ↗︎
Type Org
Country United States
Name Misaka Network, Inc.
Email -
Phone +13239991409
Address Suite 6288, 8 The Green 19901 Dover UNITED STATES

With the same Registrant

Other ASNs registered with the same registrant handle: ORG-MNI3-RIPE
ASN Name
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS47553 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS48386 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS50069 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57578 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58313 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58342 Misaka Network, Inc.


AS57695 Abuse Contact Details
Handle AR44031-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country United States
Name Abuse-C Role
Email [email protected]
Phone -
Address Suite 19901 Dover UNITED STATES

With the same Abuse Contact

Other ASNs with the same abuse handle: AR44031-RIPE
ASN Name
AS41979 Hangzhou CloudZone Network Technology Co.,Ltd
AS47553 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS48386 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS50069 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57578 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58313 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58342 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.


AS57695 Admin Contact Details
Handle MNN34-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country -
Name Misaka Network NOC
Email -
Phone -
Address 8 The Green, Suite 6288 Dover, DE 19901, United States

With the same Admin Contact

Other ASNs with the same admin handle: MNN34-RIPE
ASN Name
AS60699 66 Cloud Technology Company Limited
AS47553 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS48386 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS50069 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58313 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58342 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57578 Misaka Network, Inc.


AS57695 Technical Contact Details
Handle MNN34-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country -
Name Misaka Network NOC
Email -
Phone -
Address 8 The Green, Suite 6288 Dover, DE 19901, United States

With the same Technical Contact

Other ASNs with the same technical handle: MNN34-RIPE
ASN Name
AS60699 66 Cloud Technology Company Limited
AS47553 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS48386 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS50069 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57578 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58313 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS58342 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS35487 Misaka Network, Inc.
AS57695 Remarks and Description
Description Misaka Network, Inc.
Remarks see for more information. peeringdb: e-mail [email protected] for peering coordination. ======= TRANSIT ======== + Datacamp / DataPacket / CDN77 + Global Secure Layer + Voxility + NetActuate + Hurricane Electric (IPv6 Only) + Choopa + Moack ======= PEERING ======== + Equinix Internet Exchange import-via: AS24115 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS24115 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + SIX Seattle import-via: AS33108 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS33108 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + Any2West import-via: AS19996 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS19996 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + KCiX import-via: AS40542 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS40542 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + HOUIX import-via: AS35920 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS35920 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + STLIX import-via: AS46389 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS46389 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + DE-CIX Frankfurt import-via: AS6695 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS6695 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + DE-CIX Madrid import-via: AS48793 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS48793 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + DE-CIX Lisbon (remotely connected from Madrid) import-via: AS43729 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS43729 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + LINX import-via: AS8714 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS8714 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + LONAP import-via: AS8550 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS8550 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + PITER-IX St. Petersburg import-via: AS50817 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS50817 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + Global-IX import-via: AS31500 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS31500 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + DATAIX import-via: AS50952 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS50952 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + NAPAfrica import-via: AS37195 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS37195 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA + ( São Paulo import-via: AS26162 from AS-ANY accept ANY export-via: AS26162 to AS-ANY announce AS-MISAKA **************************** * THIS OBJECT IS MODIFIED * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal * data has been removed from this object. * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: * ****************************