
Fusix Networks B.V.

Total Prefixes 20
Total IPv4 Addr. 10,496
Est. Population -
Country Netherlands
Registry RIPE
Last Updated
All prefixes displayed, sorted by visibility. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .
All BGP Prefixes Announced by AS57866
Prefix IP Count Visibility RPKI Organization 2,048 82% Valid
- 1,024 82% Valid
- 1,024 82% Valid
- 1,024 82% Valid
- 1,024 82% Valid
- 1,024 82% Unknown
- 1,024 82% Valid
- 256 82% Unknown
- 256 82% Unknown
- 256 82% Valid
- 256 82% Unknown
- 256 82% Unknown
- 256 82% Valid
- 256 82% Unknown
- 256 82% Unknown
2a0c:c080::/29 - 77% Valid
Fusix Holding B.V.
2a11:7b80::/29 - 77% Valid
PM Networking B.V.
2a00:a7c0::/32 - 77% Valid
Fusix Networks B.V.
2a13:ea80:4588::/48 - 76% Unknown
Port-IT B.V. 256 66% Valid
Showing high level RPKI validity distribution per IP version and per prefix.


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/21 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /21 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /21. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /21 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /21 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /21 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 1 0 0 1 6 %
/22 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /22 Valid: 83.33% Unknown: 16.67% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /22. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 83.33% of all /22 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 16.67% of all /22 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /22 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 5 1 0 6 38 %
/24 RPKI status distribution for IPv4 prefix size /24 Valid: 33.33% Unknown: 66.67% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv4 prefix size /24. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 33.33% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are valid. 66.67% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /24 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 3 6 0 9 56 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv4 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv4 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 56.25% of all IPv4 prefixes are valid. 43.75% of all IPv4 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 9 7 0 16 100%


Prefix Distrib. Valid Unknown Invalid Total Perc.
/29 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /29 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /29. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /29 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /29 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /29 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 2 0 0 2 50 %
/32 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /32 Valid: 100.00% Unknown: 0.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /32. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 100.00% of all /32 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 0.00% of all /32 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /32 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 1 0 0 1 25 %
/48 RPKI status distribution for IPv6 prefix size /48 Valid: 0.00% Unknown: 100.00% Invalid: 0.00% This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for the IPv6 prefix size /48. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 0.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are valid. 100.00% of all /48 IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all /48 IPv4 prefixes are invalid. 0 1 0 1 25 %
Total RPKI status distribution for all IPv6 prefix sizes This stacked bar chart represents the RPKI status distribution for all the IPv6 prefix size. Possible values for an RPKI status are: Valid, Invalid, Unknown. 75.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are valid. 25.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are unknown. 0.00% of all IPv6 prefixes are invalid. 3 1 0 4 100%

ABOUTResource Public Key Infrastructure is a specialized public key infrastructure framework to improve security for the Internet's BGP routing infrastructure. RPKI provides a way to connect Internet number resource information (such as ASN and IP addresses) to a trust anchor. Wikipedia ↗︎

All ASN sorted by their number. Sourced from 10 BGP locations .

Upstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence that leads to a tier 1 ASN.

All Upstreams ASN for AS57866
ASN Organization
AS200342 24x7 Hosting B.V.
AS211251 A1 Internet BV
AS47632 Accenture B. V.
AS50758 Airbus Defence and Space SAS
AS44854 Arend Brouwer
AS199590 Assembly B.V.
AS204586 Bakker & Spees BV
AS35260 Bizway BV
AS200746 CLDIN B.V.
AS60950 B.V.
AS205394 CSL (DualCom) Limited
AS35383 Capitar IT Group BV
AS24642 Caveo Internet BV
AS50601 Crossivity bv
AS209936 Databalance Services B.V.
AS62188 Domeincloud B.V.
AS39292 Duocast B.V.
AS216195 Egbert Verhage
AS62353 Eurofiber Cloud Infra B.V.
AS202120 Expereo International BV
AS208164 Formicidae Holdings B.V.
AS206605 FourTOP ICT B.V.
AS206238 Freedom Internet BV
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.
AS58186 GameHouse Europe BV
AS25433 B.V.
AS208332 Hosting 2 GO B.V.
AS211499 Hosting 2 GO B.V.
AS211220 Hostingforyou B.V.
AS206441 Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition
AS201311 IT Creation B.V.
AS21221 Infopact Netwerkdiensten B.V.
AS210710 Initworks b.v.
AS207647 Intention B.V.
AS212202 Intergas Verwarming B.V.
AS60557 Krik van der Vinne trading as Alpine North
AS39146 MachCloud B.V.
AS201712 Mark van Ginkel trading as MGHOSTING
AS61349 MaxiTEL Telecom B.V.
AS202072 MessageBird B.V.
AS35709 Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
AS202947 Multi ICT B.V.
AS205024 NEH ICT Solutions BV
AS8283 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
AS202585 Nick Bouwhuis
AS50901 Oaktree Group B.V.
AS201424 Olisa Solutions B.V.
AS41458 Pivotel Solutions Inc.
AS202882 Poort80 Hosting Services BV
AS35316 Promo Internet B.V.
AS209549 Provide Managed Services BV
AS41696 Ram Mobile Data (Netherlands) B.V.
AS198203 RouteLabel V.O.F.
AS59985 SAM Office B.V.
AS209288 Services2xs b.v.
AS20857 Signet B.V.
AS201330 SolidBE BV
AS208418 Sonexus B.V.
AS211993 Soverin B.V.
AS49627 Speakup B.V
AS64404 Stichting EventInfra
AS25182 Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep
AS215982 Stichting Yulius
AS205644 Switch Datacenters Amsterdam 1 B.V.
AS200232 T. van den Heuvel Holding B.V.
AS44103 The Mastermind Holding B.V.
AS43190 Totaalnet Internet Works B.V.
AS15703 True B.V.
AS200382 VTTI Terminal Support Services B.V.
AS56722 Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio BV
AS213161 Vertom Facilities B.V.
AS211217 VoipQ B.V.
AS20495 We Dare B.V.
AS58075 X2com BV
AS211588 Yvan Watchman trading as Xyphen IT
AS201510 voizXL B.V.

Downstreams — Any direct adjacent ASN in an AS path sequence adding one-hop away from a tier 1 ASN.

All downstreams ASN for AS57866
ASN Organization
AS1299 Arelion Sweden AB
AS174 Cogent Communications
AS3356 Level 3 Parent, LLC
AS6830 Liberty Global B.V.
AS2914 NTT America, Inc.
AS5511 Orange S.A.

Peers — Any direct adjacent ASN, can include upstreams, downstreams or tier 1 ASN.

All peers ASN for AS57866
ASN Organization
AS200342 24x7 Hosting B.V.
AS211251 A1 Internet BV
AS51088 A2B IP B.V.
AS47632 Accenture B. V.
AS50758 Airbus Defence and Space SAS
AS1299 Arelion Sweden AB
AS44854 Arend Brouwer
AS199590 Assembly B.V.
AS204586 Bakker & Spees BV
AS35260 Bizway BV
AS200746 CLDIN B.V.
AS60950 B.V.
AS205394 CSL (DualCom) Limited
AS35383 Capitar IT Group BV
AS24642 Caveo Internet BV
AS174 Cogent Communications
AS50601 Crossivity bv
AS209936 Databalance Services B.V.
AS62188 Domeincloud B.V.
AS39292 Duocast B.V.
AS216195 Egbert Verhage
AS62353 Eurofiber Cloud Infra B.V.
AS202120 Expereo International BV
AS208164 Formicidae Holdings B.V.
AS206605 FourTOP ICT B.V.
AS206238 Freedom Internet BV
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.
AS58186 GameHouse Europe BV
AS25433 B.V.
AS208332 Hosting 2 GO B.V.
AS211499 Hosting 2 GO B.V.
AS211220 Hostingforyou B.V.
AS206441 Hoyer GmbH Internationale Fachspedition
AS201311 IT Creation B.V.
AS21221 Infopact Netwerkdiensten B.V.
AS210710 Initworks b.v.
AS207647 Intention B.V.
AS212202 Intergas Verwarming B.V.
AS60557 Krik van der Vinne trading as Alpine North
AS3356 Level 3 Parent, LLC
AS6830 Liberty Global B.V.
AS39146 MachCloud B.V.
AS201712 Mark van Ginkel trading as MGHOSTING
AS61349 MaxiTEL Telecom B.V.
AS202072 MessageBird B.V.
AS35709 Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie
AS202947 Multi ICT B.V.
AS205024 NEH ICT Solutions BV
AS2914 NTT America, Inc.
AS8283 Netwerkvereniging Coloclue
AS202585 Nick Bouwhuis
AS50901 Oaktree Group B.V.
AS201424 Olisa Solutions B.V.
AS5511 Orange S.A.
AS41458 Pivotel Solutions Inc.
AS202882 Poort80 Hosting Services BV
AS35316 Promo Internet B.V.
AS209549 Provide Managed Services BV
AS9002 RETN Limited
AS41696 Ram Mobile Data (Netherlands) B.V.
AS198203 RouteLabel V.O.F.
AS59985 SAM Office B.V.
AS50673 Serverius Holding B.V.
AS209288 Services2xs b.v.
AS20857 Signet B.V.
AS201330 SolidBE BV
AS208418 Sonexus B.V.
AS211993 Soverin B.V.
AS49627 Speakup B.V
AS64404 Stichting EventInfra
AS25182 Stichting Nederlandse Publieke Omroep
AS215982 Stichting Yulius
AS205644 Switch Datacenters Amsterdam 1 B.V.
AS200232 T. van den Heuvel Holding B.V.
AS44103 The Mastermind Holding B.V.
AS43190 Totaalnet Internet Works B.V.
AS15703 True B.V.
AS200382 VTTI Terminal Support Services B.V.
AS56722 Van Berkel en Bos U.N. Studio BV
AS213161 Vertom Facilities B.V.
AS211217 VoipQ B.V.
AS20495 We Dare B.V.
AS58075 X2com BV
AS211588 Yvan Watchman trading as Xyphen IT
AS6461 Zayo Bandwidth
AS34927 iFog GmbH
AS201510 voizXL B.V.
All 2 Internet Exchange Points displayed, sorted by name. Sourced from PeeringDB . VIEW PEERINGDB
Internet Exchanges for AS57866
Name Location Addresses Link RS Peer
The Frisian Internet Exchange
10 Gbps
Speed Internet Exchange
10 Gbps

ABOUTInternet Exchange Points (IXes or IXPs) are physical places where infrastructure companies interconnect with each other to exchange data destined for their respective networks. These locations are critical for companies to shorten their connection paths to other network participant, this allows for reduced round-trip time and low latency. Wikipedia ↗︎

Fetched from the RIPE authoritative registry


AS57866 Registrant Contact Details
Handle ORG-FNB7-RIPE ↗︎
Type Org
Country Netherlands
Name Fusix Networks B.V.
Email -
Phone +31854014441
Address Soldaatweg 18 1521 RL Wormerveer NETHERLANDS

With the same Registrant

Other ASNs registered with the same registrant handle: ORG-FNB7-RIPE
ASN Name
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.


AS57866 Abuse Contact Details
Handle FUSX-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country Netherlands
Name Fusix Networks role account
Email [email protected]
Phone -
Address Fusix Networks Soldaatweg 18 1521 RL Wormerveer The Netherlands

With the same Abuse Contact

Other ASNs with the same abuse handle: FUSX-RIPE
ASN Name
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.


AS57866 Admin Contact Details
Handle FUSX-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country Netherlands
Name Fusix Networks role account
Email [email protected]
Phone -
Address Fusix Networks Soldaatweg 18 1521 RL Wormerveer The Netherlands

With the same Admin Contact

Other ASNs with the same admin handle: FUSX-RIPE
ASN Name
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.


AS57866 Technical Contact Details
Handle FUSX-RIPE ↗︎
Type Group
Country Netherlands
Name Fusix Networks role account
Email [email protected]
Phone -
Address Fusix Networks Soldaatweg 18 1521 RL Wormerveer The Netherlands

With the same Technical Contact

Other ASNs with the same technical handle: FUSX-RIPE
ASN Name
AS211005 Fusix Networks B.V.
AS57866 Remarks and Description
Remarks **************************** * THIS OBJECT IS MODIFIED * Please note that all data that is generally regarded as personal * data has been removed from this object. * To view the original object, please query the RIPE Database at: * ****************************